Chicago 7/20 Vision


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Planting 7 New Churches in 20 Years




 Meet The Church Planter . . .

Hi! I’m Jeffrey Lancaster. The Lord has enabled me to minister in small town, inner-city, prison, university and urban center-city settings for 32 years. During that time, God has used our family, and our supporters, to plant three churches (Oxford, Miss., New Orleans, and Memphis). Now, we believe he is calling us to employ these experiences to plant churches in Chicago.

My wife, Cathy, and I are the parents of three children: Lucy (24), Jeffrey Jr. (23) and Bedon (21). Cathy, my “true north,” has become an accomplished abstract artist. We are excited her gifts will help build bridges to the culture of our new home.  Cathy & I have been called by the Rivers & Lakes Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) to do church planting in Chicago.

Contact me directly…

Cell: 901-270-1670







Meet Chicago . . .

Chicago is known for its love of sports, food, and politics. But with a metropolitan area of 10.3 million people, the ‘Windy City’ is far more critical. Chicago is the third largest metro area in the United States, and, globally, is a financial, architectural, and cultural leader. In fact, in its 2012 Cities of Opportunity report, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ ranked Chicago ninth among leading global cities ahead of Tokyo (10th) and Los Angeles (13th).

Chicago’s influence over the Mid-Western United States, its attraction to global commerce, and its legacy of cultural prominence make it a strategic place to promote gospel-centered churches.




Meet The Need . . .

God loves cities. The Old Testament’s most (in)famous missionary, Jonah, learned of God’s love pointedly: “And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?”

Should we still go into the “great city?”

For the first time in history, 50 percent of the world lives in a city. Our generation has experienced an unrivaled urbanization. In developed nations, almost 5 million people move to urban areas every month. In the United States, our largest generation, the millennials, live, or desire to live, in a city. (Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic)

As a church, it is critical that we respond. Planter, pastor, and professor Tim Keller says it well:

“I would argue that there is nothing more critical for the evangelical church today than to emphasize and support urban ministry...If Christians want to reach the unreached, we must go to the cities. To reach the rising generations, we must go to the cities. To have any impact for Christ on the creation of culture, we must go to the cities. To serve the poor, we must go to the cities.”

As is the case with most major urban areas in our country, the city proper of Chicago has its ministry challenges. Most people are either unchurched (people who’ve never been part of the church) or de-churched (people who have left the church). Moreover, racial tension, neighborhood segregation, crime, poverty, and a culture of “post-Christian” skepticism present significant challenges. But challenges breed opportunity.

Church plants are the most effective means of reaching these groups.




Meet The Chicago 7/20 Vision . . .

Our dream is to see Chicago, through the redeeming love and resurrecting power of Jesus Christ, flourish! We believe God has called us to take part.

Over the next 20 years, we want to plant 7 strategically located networked neighborhood churches.   By “networked,” we mean networked with one another as well as networked with the broader body of Christ in Chicago.  By “neighborhood,” we mean parish modelled churches. Chicagoans have a parish mindset; the city has 77 neighborhoods. The flagship church will intentionally be a center-city church (either in downtown proper or near vicinity).  




Meet The Support Team . . .

We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to launch Chicago 7/20! You can give a one-time gift, annual gifts or monthly gifts.

To launch the Chicago 7/20 Vision, we are seeking to raise $1.5 million in start-up capital over a 3-year period.  We are praying that the flagship church will be self-supporting within 3 years after we launch the plant.

Your support, supports . . .

To ensure church plants survive, strong starts are essential. Appropriate financial backing will allow us to hire proven ministerial and support staff, to secure strategic facilities for office and worship space, and to provide freedom to build relationships and programs.

Additionally, your giving will allow us to begin supporting other kingdom ministry efforts, including seed money for our second church plant in the city.

How To Give . . .

The Rivers and Lakes Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) has established an account. All gifts are tax-deductible, and no gift will be assessed a processing fee. All donations (100%) will go towards the support of the Chicago 7/20 Vision. Documentation tax purposes will be promptly returned.

There are 4 ways for you to donate to the Chicago 7/20 Vision: 


Mail donation to:

Highview EPC - 7/20

S50W33042 Road GE

Dousman WI 53118

Make checks payable to:  Highview EPC - 7/20

Memo line designate gift to:  Chicago 7/20 Vision

Include note designating your gift as one of the following

  • One time gift

  • Annual gift

  • Monthly gift


2. One-time gift online - 2.65% Fee for online Giving - DOES NOT WORK ON INTERNET EXPLORER


3. recurring Online giving (Monthly, Bi-monthly, etc.) 2.65% FEE FOR ONLINE GIVING - DOES NOT WORK ON INTERNET EXPLORER


4. Donate Appreciated Assets (1% FEE FOR TRANSFERs)

National Christian Foundation

Name of Fund: Chicago 7/20 Vision Single Charity Fund

Fund #: 2687871


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Why Chicago?

We love cities. We love church planting. For over two years, Cathy and I have been prayerfully considering moving out again in a new ministry adventure. 

In 2017, we compiled a list of 12 cities we believed needed church plants.  Our hearts were drawn to each of these cities – each rich in culture, history, development, influence, ethnic diversity, food (of course), and spiritual need. Each having a history of glaring community struggles and tensions, crime and economic problems.

Chicago was #1 on our list.  We can’t get this city off our hearts! We know the work will be challenging, but Christ has inspired us to embrace the challenge.  We believe that, by his grace, and the support of his people, we are called to step out in bold, expectant faith.

What’s your target?

Initial Narrow Ministry Target - We will prayerfully seek Christ’s Spirit to empower us to relationally connect to and serve urban professionals, the arts community, the college/university/graduate school students.  Most in this demographic are center-city-focused singles, marrieds, and families, most of whom are culture makers and civic leaders.  This is the most unchurched/de-churched demographic in America; however, this crowd, to a significant degree, has an ingrained justice ethic and pro-world vision.  They resonate with the Shalom/Peace vision of the scriptures.  Reach them for Christ and they will respond to his call to earnestly labor for the healing of the torn social fabric of Chicago. By the grace of God and for his glory, they will use their influence to spread the fragrance of Christ in every arena of society. 

Broader Ministry Target – By the power of Christ Jesus, we will labor for city flourishing, church flourishing and world flourishing. At the proper time we will strategically target the other 6 church planting sites in Chicago. We will share in Kingdom ministry to the whole of the urban community fabric in Chicago and share in the global mission of God. We will partner with non-profits and other ministries who serve the urban poor and marginalized, pursue Biblical justice and works of reconciliation, promote cultural enrichment, and community renewal. We believe the gospel leads us to seek the flourishing of individuals, families, neighborhoods, and the marketplace.

What will the churches be like?

Our churches will value incarnational ministry where people share life with their neighbors, love them where they are, provide people a safe process to consider the historic Christian faith, and persevere in faithful service to their neighbors regardless of their response.

We will prayerfully labor to be a multi-ethnic church planting movement.

We will be committed to catholic, evangelical and reformed orthodoxy and faithful devotion to sacred scripture. We will be committed to lovingly speaking the truth of Christ’s word in a contextual fashion that addresses modern people’s questions and struggles. We will minister the grand story narrative of Jesus Christ into the story narratives on which modern people are basing their lives.

Our worship will be liturgical and soulful. We will emphasize our ancient-future faith in a heartfelt accessible manner.

We will be Gospel-centric churches emphasizing the power of Christ Jesus to reconcile us to God, one another, ourselves and our calling in God’s world.

We will maintain a spirit of unity, showing respect and gratitude for the broader body of Christ’s church.

We will teach a public/political theology that equips believers with the ethic of Christ’s kingdom.

Our governance will be Presbyterian.

Our emphasis will be urban center city ministry.


Download the full vision document.